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Pretty good game so far. Cant wait for more!


Thx!, I did tried to make something fun, it is always nice to know people enjoyed it!

Well this game was good enough for me to create an account to complement it, and trust me that speaks volumes. Cant wait for new characters to be added! Will you be adding Azariah as a romance option?

Thx a lot! those kind of comments really helps me to want to keep going!

yes, Azariah is indeed in the roster to become one of the datable options, but probably gonna be one of the last, since I do votes to see who will get their dates in the next update and she was the  most unpopular one. (to see the last poll, this is the link:

Also, as cursed as Twitter has become, I there post updates of the game, also soon  gonna do another vote to see who will get the next first date, so check it out from time to time.

(btw, sorry for the wonky English, it is not my first language) 


If you'd like, I could do an editing pass on the writing!

Also, very sad to hear Azi is not popular, but excited to hear that she'll still be an option!

I should be able to send a txt file with the guion of the game
feel free to message me in discord! 

Sent a friend invite! (Discord wouldn't let me send a message without being your friend, I think?)

Sorry about the delay; got sick, then busy with holidays.


Is there going to be any futa?


Yes, there will be futa options in the datable chars, and also futa scene with the power of magic/dreams.